Ammonium test 0,010-3,00 NH₄-N; 0,013-3,86 NH₄ Pharo, Nova 60, Multy, Move 250 Tests 114752
Ammonium test 0,010-3,00 NH₄-N; 0,013-3,86 NH₄ Pharo, Nova 60, Multy, Move 250 Tests 1.14752.0002

اعتبار قیمت 1402/07/09

لطفا پس از پایان اعتبار قیمت با تلفن 55435546 تماس حاصل فرمائید

All Spectroquant® test kits can be used with the Pharo range of spectrophotometers and Nova 60/60A instruments. Tests can be used not only on photometers and spectrophotometer from Merck Millipore, but also on photometers and spectrophotometers from other suppliers (programming details available on request).

Spectroquant® cell test kits

  • Very user-friendly, validated methods
  • All the necessary reagents for the analysis are contained in the cells for most the test parameters
  • Packaging design protects the cells from fluctuation of temperature and moisture during storage and transport
  • The barcode on the cells ensures the correct method of analysis is chosen - eliminating mistakes and reducing set up times.
Spectroquant® reagent test kits

  • Highly stable, ready-to-use reagent mixtures in a user friendly design
  • Free selection of appropriate cell format according to the measuring range
  • Long shelf life up to 3 years - all at room temperature
  • Automatic selection of the correct method with help of AutoSelector barcode identification
Note: The range quoted in the table below refers to the Nova and Pharo instruments. For some test kits the measuring range available for the Spectroquant® Multy and Move 100 instruments may be reduced.

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