Human Lactoferrin ELISA Kit SimpleStep (ab200015) 1 x 96 tests abcam
Human Lactoferrin ELISA Kit SimpleStep (ab200015) 1 x 96 tests abcam

اعتبار قیمت 95.9.30 میباشد

لطفا پس از پایان اعتبار قیمت با تلفن 88920648 تماس حاصل فرمائید

شرکت طب شهر وارد کننده محصولات abcam انگلستان


  • Product nameHuman Lactoferrin ELISA Kit SimpleStep
    See all Lactoferrin kits
  • Detection methodColorimetric
  • Precision
    Sample n Mean SD CV%
    Human Serum 8

  • Sample type
    Cell culture supernatant, Saliva, Milk, Urine, Serum, Heparin Plasma, EDTA Plasma, Citrate Plasma
  • Assay typeSandwich (quantitative)
  • Sensitivity
    123 pg/ml
  • Range
    234 pg/ml - 15000 pg/ml
  • Recovery

    Sample specific recovery
    Sample type Average % Range
    Saliva 110 109% - 111%
    Milk 109 96% - 116%
    Urine 102 89% - 112%
    Serum 102 96% - 106%
    Cell culture media 114 113% - 116%
    Heparin Plasma 105 93% - 119%
    EDTA Plasma 117 115% - 120%
    Citrate Plasma 101 98% - 106%
  • Assay time
    1h 30m
  • Assay durationOne step assay
  • Species reactivity
    Reacts with: Human
    Does not react with: Mouse, Rat, Rabbit, Goat, Guinea pig, Hamster, Cow, Pig
  • Product overview

    Abcam’s Lactoferrin Human in vitro SimpleStep ELISA™ (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay) kit is designed for the quantitative measurement of Lactoferrin Human protein in serum, plasma, milk, urine, saliva and cell culture supernatant samples.

     The SimpleStep ELISA™ employs an affinity tag labeled capture antibody and a reporter conjugated detector antibody which immunocapture the sample analyte in solution. This entire complex (capture antibody/analyte/detector antibody) is in turn immobilized via immunoaffinity of an anti-tag antibody coating the well. To perform the assay, samples or standards are added to the wells, followed by the antibody mix. After incubation, the wells are washed to remove unbound material. TMB substrate is added and during incubation is catalyzed by HRP, generating blue coloration. This reaction is then stopped by addition of Stop Solution completing any color change from blue to yellow. Signal is generated proportionally to the amount of bound analyte and the intensity is measured at 450 nm. Optionally, instead of the endpoint reading, development of TMB can be recorded kinetically at 600 nm.

  • Notes

    Transferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe3+ ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate. Lactoferrin is a member of the transferrin family and is a major iron-binding and multifunctional protein found in exocrine fluids such as breast milk and mucosal secretions. High levels of Lactoferrin are found in saliva and tears, intermediate levels in serum and plasma, and low levels in urine. The canonical sequence of Lactoferrin (known as isoform 1) is 710 amino acids in length and runs at 78.2 kDa. Isoform Delta-Lactoferrin (or DeltaLF) is missing amino acids 1 – 44 of the canonical sequence. Mouse and rat Lactoferrin are 71% and 62% identical to human Lactoferrin, respectively.


    Lactoferrin possesses antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and immunoregulatory properties. The presence of Lactoferrin in neutrophils and the release of Lactoferrin during inflammation suggest that Lactoferrin is involved in phagocytic killing and immune responses. Additionally, Lactoferrin mediates bacteriostasis through its ability to sequester free iron and inhibit microbial growth. Lactoferrin also directs bactericidal properties leading to the release of lipopolysaccharides from the bacterial outer membrane. Furthermore, Lactoferrin may play a role in the regulation of bone growth because it has anabolic, differentiating, and anti-apoptotic effects on osteoblasts and can also inhibit osteoclastogenesis. Salivary Lactoferrin plays an important role in protecting the oral cavity against several oral pathogens including Streptococcus mutans. Additionally, increased levels of Lactoferrin in fecal samples is used as a marker of active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

  • Tested applicationsSandwich ELISAmore details
  • PlatformMicroplate (12 x 8 well strips)


  • FunctionTransferrins are iron binding transport proteins which can bind two Fe(3+) ions in association with the binding of an anion, usually bicarbonate.
    Lactotransferrin has antimicrobial activity which depends on the extracellular cation concentration.
    Lactoferroxins A, B and C have opioid antagonist activity. Lactoferroxin A shows preference for mu-receptors, while lactoferroxin B and C have somewhat higher degrees of preference for kappa-receptors than for mu-receptors.
    The lactotransferrin transferrin-like domain 1 functions as a serine protease of the peptidase S60 family that cuts arginine rich regions. This function contributes to the antimicrobial activity.
  • Sequence similaritiesBelongs to the transferrin family.
    Contains 2 transferrin-like domains.
  • Cellular localizationSecreted.
  • Information by UniProt
  • Alternative names
    • GIG12
    • Growth inhibiting protein 12
    • HLF2
    see all
  • Database links


Our Abpromise guarantee covers the use of ab200015 in the following tested applications.

The application notes include recommended starting dilutions; optimal dilutions/concentrations should be determined by the end user.

Application Abreviews Notes
Sandwich ELISA
Use at an assay dependent concentration.

Human Lactoferrin ELISA Kit SimpleStep images

  • Background-subtracted data values (mean +/- SD) are graphed.

  • Native Human Lactoferrin protein was measured in serum diluted 1:64 and urine diluted 1:8 in Sample Diluent NS prior to a 2-fold dilution series in Sample Diluent NS. Purified Human Lactoferrin protein was spiked into cell culture media diluted 1:20 prior to a fold dilution series in Sample Diluent NS. The interpolated dilution factor corrected values are graphed (mean +/- SD).

  • Native Human Lactoferrin protein was measured in citrate plasma (1:128), EDTA plasma (1:150), and heparin plasma (1:64) diluted in a 2-fold dilution series in Sample Diluent NS. The interpolated dilution factor corrected values are graphed (mean +/- SD).

  • Ten individual healthy male donors and one pooled sample (n = 50) were evaluated for the presence of Lactoferrin in serum using this assay. Results were interpolated from the standard curve in Sample Diluent NS and corrected by sample dilution (1:75). In the 10 individual donors, the mean level of Lactoferrin is 350.3 ng/mL with a range of 106.2 – 627.7 ng/mL and a standard deviation of 159.4 ng/mL.


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