Q Exactive™ HF Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer

Identify and quantify more proteins, peptides, lipids, glycans, and small molecules, accurately and in less time, with the Thermo Scientific™ Q Exactive™ HF hybrid quadrupole-Orbitrap mass spectrometer. The Q Exactive HF system combines a state-of-the-art segmented quadrupole for high-performance precursor ion selection with a high-resolution, accurate-mass (HR/AM) ultra-high-field Orbitrap mass analyzer to deliver a superior combination of scan speed, resolving power, mass accuracy, spectral quality, and sensitivity. Identify, quantify, and confirm in a single analysis with a single instrument with the Q Exactive HF mass spectrometer.

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فروش مواد شیمیایی فقط جهت مراکز دولتی، شرکتها، پژوهشگاهها، محققین و اساتید دانشگاه انجام میشود لطفا درخواست خود را به شماره واتس آپ یا تلگرام یا ایتا 09365036989 ارسال کنید