براساس استاندارد روش بسته ASTM D93 با قابلیت کنترل میکروپروسسوری ، مجهزبه جرقه زن الکتریکی یا گازی شهری ، دارای سنسور فشار بارومتریکی استاندارد جهت تصحیح فشار بارومتری ، دارای پورت USB جهت اتصال کیبورد یا فلاش مموری و همچنین پورت RS232C جهت اتصال به پرینتر یا کامپیوتر ، مجهز به سیستم ایمنی قطع اتوماتیک و گزارش برروی صفحه نمایش وزنگ هشدار ، دارای صفحه نمایش و زنگ هشدار ، دارای صفحه نمایش رنگی LCD به ابعاد 5.7 اینج به همراه کلیه لوازم استاندارد
Based on 45 years of experience in manufacturing automated flash point testers, innovative 8th generation series has been released.
The theme of the 8th generation is "Ergonomic, Versatile and Premium"
- Ergonomically designed display and switches for high visibility for everybody (universal design) and intuitive operation.
- Enhanced versatility including USB port for optional flash memory or key board, password protection and data storage (200 tests)
- All-in-one chassis design: compact, light-weight and premium exterior design.
Further improved Swing Arm assembly for easy setting and cleaning:
After inserting the test cup in the instrument, just lower the swing
arm assembly onto the test cup to set all the necessary components for
the test, including the ignition source, temperature sensor, flash
detector and stirrer (in case of abl-8 and apm-8). After the test, tilt the arm to the complete upright position for easy cleaning.

Model apm-8 is an automated Pensky-Martens Closed Cup flash point tester.
Three test procedures are built in for varied samples: Procedure-A
for homogeneous petroleum liquids such as distillate fuels, Procedure-B
for residual fuel oils and some other nonhomogeneous liquids, and
Procedure-C for biodiesel.
تاریخ اعتبار 93.10.30
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