EMB agar (Eosin Methylene Blue Agar, Levine)
Use and description: This medium is used for isolation and differentiation of Gram-negative enteric bacteria based on lactose fermentation. Eosin inhibits enterococci. E. coli produce high amount of acid due to lactose fermentation which cause amide bond between eosin Y and methylene blue that gives metallic shine to it’s colonies. Bacteria that do not ferment lactose appear as colorless or transparent, light purple colonies.
Composition per liter: Peptones…………………………………….10.000g Agar…………………………………………15.000g Lactose……………………………………...10.000g Dipotassium hydrogen phosphate……………2.000g Eosin Y……………………………………....0.400g Methylene blue………………………………0.065g
Final pH of the ready to use medium: 6,8 +/- 0.2
Medium preparation: Add 37.5 grams of dehydrated culture medium to 1 liter of distilled water. Autoclave for 15 min at 121oC. Cool to 45-50oC, homogenize perfectly and pour into Petri dishes. Needs 24 hours aging before use. Store dishes in the dark.
Quality specifications: Dehydrated medium: homogeneous, light violet fine powder. Ready to use medium: Clear , dark brownish-violet medium
Microbiological response:
Storage: Dehydrated medium should be stored between 10 to 25o |